Employment law a year in review recording 50771303660
Published: 1-Oct-24
Employment Law - A Year in Review Recording
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Following the election of the Labor Party into federal government in May, the employment and industrial relations landscape has already undergone several changes, with further significant changes expected, including current movement on both the Secure Jobs, Better Pay and Respect@Work Bills.
The year started with two significant decisions from the High Court, in addition to navigating the post-COVID-19 workplace. With Labor’s strong emphasis on job security, better pay and a fairer industrial relations system, employers have had, and will have, many changes to grapple with.
During this webinar, Elisa Blakers, Nicola Martin, Erin Kidd and Kim Hodge of legal firm, Squire Patton Boggs review the noteworthy employment law developments of 2022 and outline the key issues that Australian employers are likely to face in 2023.