Latest Political Engagement

Our Global Public Policy Director Tania Bowers and General Counsel Shazia Imtiaz have regular engagement with government departments, members of parliament and other stakeholders: 


  • HMRC’s Employment and Intermediaries Forum (formerly IR35 Forum) – APSCo was a founding member and is represented by Shazia Imtiaz 

  • Regular meetings with Department for Business and Trade including Senior Policy Advisors in labour markets and international trade, Ben Bruton, Head of Employment Agency Standards and EAS team and Director of Labour Market Enforcement

  • DSIT, HMRC, HMT, DfE, DHSC, Home Office, Cabinet Office – regular meetings with policy leads

  • One to one meetings, roundtables and events with MPs, peers, local, mayoral and regional authorities.

Policy Recommendations & Documents





  • Consultation on the application of zero hours contracts measures to agency workers

    The Government have opened a consultation until 2nd December.

    The Employment Rights Bill includes measures to deliver manifesto commitments to end exploitative zero hours contracts by introducing:

    - A right to a contract with guaranteed hours that reflects the number of hours regularly worked, based on a twelve-week reference period; and

    - A right to reasonable notice of shifts, and proportionate payment for short notice shift cancellations and curtailment.   


The Government believes that agency workers should have the right to guaranteed hours which reflect the hours they work. The Government’s intention is also that agency workers should receive payment for shifts that are cancelled or curtailed at short notice. The unique tripartite relationship between agency workers, employment agencies and hirers, makes the application of these measures to the recruitment sector particularly complex. The zero hours contract measures create new responsibilities for employers. For agency workers we need to decide whether these responsibilities sit with the employment agency, the end hirer, or both.


  • Meeting with Lord Newby, Liberal Democrat Peer


  • Response to Consultation on Off-Payroll working (IR35) - Calculation of PAYE Liability in Cases of Non-Compliance

    In our submission to the draft technical consultation on the Off Payroll PAYE off set regulations, we raised some technical issues of concern around how the regulations will operate such as the process to calculating the PAYE recovery is a best estimate, without sufficient transparency and there is no right of appeal for recruiters in the regulations.  We also took the opportunity to remind HMRC of the fundamental unfairness of off payroll to our members plus pushing them for better guidance all round and specifically a tool for assessing contracted out services for use by the private sector.  Off-Payroll (IR35) remains one of the top concerns we address to government.


Government Consultations, Policy Documents and Calls for Evidence 


An important part of our public policy work is collating and submitting member response to government consultations on proposed legal changes and calls for evidence. Our recommendations can be adopted by government and form part of policy and new legislation. 

We collate member input via our representative groups, internal member policy meetings, roundtables with politicians and policy advisors and panel sessions at our member events. 


  • DBT official roundtable on Employment Rights Bill (series)

  • Various engagement with DBT, HMRC and CBI

  • TUC conference attendance

  • Liberal Democrat conference attendance

  • Liberal Democrat roundtable on Labour’s new deal/Employment Rights Bill

  • Launch of APSCo’s campaign Unshackle Investment in Skills through the Growth and Skills Levy

  • Meeting with Director of Labour Market Enforcement Margaret Beels and her team

  • Meeting with East Midlands Mayoral Authority skills lead and Business Board lead

  • Letters of congratulation sent to new Ministers
  • Meeting with Nigel Huddleston MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury regarding umbrella company regulations.

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