Published: 1-Oct-24

Unlocking Opportunities: An introduction to the US recruitment market - Recording available 2023



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APSCo Australia invites you to join Clarke Bowles and Maria Drye from PCG Group on a Webinar covering the basics of the US staffing market, such as big salaries, big margins, big market share.

The opportunity is HUGE for recruitment agencies looking to enter the US staffing market. With a monumental 34% market share, towering over the next biggest global markets, Japan (13%) and the UK (8%).

The US market is more than 8 times bigger than the Australian recruitment market, meaning the earning potential for agencies is vast.

The best part? It’s easier than you think to get started!

Together in partnership, APSCo and PGC Group will cover off the basics of the US staffing market including:

  • Why the US Staffing Market?
  • The US Landscape vs Australia
  • How to Get Started in the US Market
  • Best States and Key Markets
  • Top Tips

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