Inclusive+ Recruiter

Having a diverse and inclusive workforce has never been more important to businesses. A greater diversity of employees makes companies both more productive and more profitable, so make sure you reap the rewards. Inclusive+ Recruiter is an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) training programme specifically designed for the recruitment sector.  

More clients are seeking candidates from wider talent pools. As a recruiter, it’s imperative you attract them, or your competitors will. 

On completion of the training, delegates will gain the APSCo Inclusive+ accreditation.

Key Take-Aways

  • Learn what ED&I is, your responsibilities as a recruiter, why it’s important to clients and the benefits.
  • Discover how to build an inclusive brand to attract diverse and underrepresented talent. 
  • Write more inclusive job advertisements and understand how to build networks within diverse and underrepresented groups. 
  • Develop inclusive recruitment processes which build better and higher-performing teams 
  • Learn how to conduct and score an inclusive competency interview.

Case study

Specialist digital media and marketing recruitment firm, Aspire, was the first staffing company to put its entire team through the APSCo Inclusive+ Recruiter training programme. At the time of completing the case study, Aspire had placed 51 delegates through the programme and has since rolled this out to the US and Singapore, bringing the total to 61 employees. Upon successfully completing the course, the delegates earned the Inclusive+ Recruiter badge and can now demonstrate to end hirers that they are fully trained in diverse recruitment practices.

While diversity training is a must for recruiters working directly with candidates, we put all staff forward for Inclusive+ Recruiter as it is our responsibility as business leaders to embrace and encourage diversity for all, therefore all our UK people regardless of level or job role are now accredited. I would highly recommend this training for others in the staffing sector. It’s tailored specifically to recruiters, which means it’s not only highly targeted, but it also provides tangible takeaways that staff can implement. Hats off to Adam Tobias and APSCo for developing this practical initiative.


Paul Farrer

Founder, Aspire

APSCo & NRLGroup Training Case Study


In this case study, the APSCo Talent Development team interviewed Ruth Davey, Group Head of Marketing at the NRL Group about her company’s experiences and thoughts on APSCo’s Inclusive+ training course. To date, APSCo has provided in-house training to 72 delegates from NRL.


Course Trainer

Adam Tobias

APSCo teamed up with Adam Tobias, a leader in inclusive talent solutions, to deliver Inclusive+ Recruiter - a game-changing ED&I training programme.




Adam has worked in the recruitment sector for over 20 years, with experience spanning executive search, leadership training and management.


He is the Co-Founder of Inventum Group and a qualified coach and as a disabled person himself, he is passionate about ED&I and removing the barriers faced by diverse and underrepresented talent.

Number of delegated   Course cost per delegate
1-10   £270 +VAT
11-25   £240 +VAT
26-50   £230 +VAT
51+   £220 +VAT

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