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Public Policy
Monday 11th of November
Tania Bowers, Global Public Policy Director, APSCo
Clément Julien, Zero Hour Contracts Policy Adviser, DBT and Ben Bruton, Head of Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate, DBT
The Government policy leads from DBT will be attending online at this meeting to explain the rationale behind the consultation and to receive your feedback on the measures. APSCo will collect your feedback to incorporate as part of APSCo’s written submission. Remember APSCo members can also submit responses individually.
The Consultation can be found here:
By way of explanation the Government states that the Employment Rights Bill includes measures to deliver its commitments to end exploitative zero hours contracts by introducing:
The Government believes that agency workers should have the right to guaranteed hours which reflect the hours they work. The Government’s intention is also that agency workers should receive payment for shifts that are cancelled or curtailed at short notice. The unique tripartite relationship between agency workers, employment agencies and hirers, makes the application of these measures to the recruitment sector particularly complex. The zero hours contract measures create new responsibilities for employers. For agency workers Government needs to decide whether these responsibilities sit with the employment agency, the end hirer, or both.
In this consultation the Government is seeking to understand how these measures can best apply to agency workers, and how it can mitigate unintended consequences.
APSCo, Global Public Policy Director
Tania is the Global Public Policy Director. She is a solicitor who has worked exclusively in the professional staffing sector since 1999, joining APSCo in 2016.
As Head of Global Public Policy Tania represents our members’ interests in meetings and communications with Government departments, ministers, MPs and other interested stakeholders. She is responsible for APSCo’s public affairs activity on a global basis representing APSCo members’ views to governments and contributing to the debate on the future of the global professional labour market.
DBT, Head of the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate
Ben has been a Civil Servant for 24 years, covering a range of roles in the Civil Service including Crime Reduction, legal advocacy, Immigration Enforcement, Corporate Change management, value for Money, then latterly Labour Market Enforcement and policy.
DBT, Zero Hours Contracts Policy Adviser
Clément’s career in the civil service has focused on the UK employment law framework and its enforcement, as well as Labour Market strategy around skills and migration policies.
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